
Bone Songs Chronicle for August 29, 2021

Witchcraft/Paganism Curated News

Trigger Warning: some of these stories speak to several kinds of abuse. I am not responsible for the content. I share for educational purposes, and want you to be forewarned. Proceed at your own risk.

This Week’s Tarot: The King of Wands

The essence of fire behaving as air, such as lightning: A great and daring leader who inspires others to rise to challenges alongside him. An artist who can take hold of an idea and make it a reality through bold action. One who is forceful, charismatic, and honest, leading by example, but unafraid to invest authority in others. A dashing and magnetic personality, carrying authority naturally, and striking at the world with swiftness and grace. The King of Wands reminds you to lead your life with intent, vision and a long-term view. You have a grand idea of what is truly possible, and you will stop at nothing to see it through. Unlike the Knight who can be a little impulsive with his actions, you have the maturity to see your vision through right to the end and beyond. You achieve a lot because you are clear about your future direction and how you will get there – and do not waste your time on activities or relationships you believe will lead nowhere. You never just go with the flow; instead, you prefer to embark on a direct and robust course of action. And you are inspired by long-term, sustainable success, wanting to have a lasting impact. You are here to leave a legacy.

This Week’s Totem: Eagle

Key words and phrases: Swiftness, Strength, Courage, Second Sight, Connection to Great Spirit, Knowledge of Magic, Higher Truth, Dignity with Grace, Healing and the Ability to See the Bigger Picture.

In ancient Greece, Eagle was associated with Zeus, who shape-shifted into one to see the greater picture of things. In the indigenous Nations of North America, Eagle is generally seen as the connector to the Great Spirit, and is sometimes considered to be the Thunderbird. In ancient Gaelic tribes, Eagle was called “Suil-na-Greine” or “Eye of the Sun.”

Eagle represents the power of and connection to the Great Spirit (God, Goddess, whatever you wish to call that which you see as ‘divine’) or Mystery. It’s the ability to stay both in this world and strongly attached to the realm of Spirit.

Eagle’s message is to soar above the mundane and view things from a larger perspective. If you’ve been too caught up in the day-to-day irritations of life, or are taking things personally, it’s time to disconnect from those emotions and reconnect with the element of Air (mental plane). See how all of the pieces you’ve been viewing myopically are placed together in the puzzle that is your life (Wyrd, Imramma, Destiny). Connect to that which is greater than yourself and cut the ties to that which binds and prevents you from flying free.

All eagles are renowned for their excellent eyesight. Those who carry Eagle medicine tend to be both clairaudient and clairvoyant.

Water is an important source of sustenance for eagles. Those with this totem will feel a strong need to live near water, mainly a fresh water source.

Eagles are considered messengers from heaven and the spirit of the sun. They are also symbols of rediscovering the inner child. Three is a sacred number for those with this medicine. Three represents new birth and creativity. A study in alchemy is also recommended for those who have eagle as a totem.

Bone Songs

Image by Emily Goodhart

This week’s song is about creativity, and how it relates to your Craft. I’ve been watching some Youtube videos and Instagram posts lately where teacher are telling their students that there is only one way to do something… only one way to read Tarot (surprise! THEIR way), only one way to do a ritual (yep, you guessed it), only one way to create an altar, celebrate a season, and so on, and so on.. ad nauseum.

I’ve always said that you can train Witch right out of a person, and that’s precisely how to do it. Witch is something you are, not what you do. What you bring to the Craft and to the world is uniquely yours! Don’t let someone, and I don’t care how much you admire them or what they’ve written or drawn or sung, tell you how to be who you are. ALWAYS bring your own creativity and flair to whatever it is you are doing. Being yourself is all about learning who you are, growing into who you want to be, and that’s going to take a lot of experimentation. Witchcraft is for you, however you choose to do it. Are there some tips you can learn from others? Absolutely. Can you use correspondences that are traditional? Sure! Just do yourself a favor, beloved wildlings…

Run, do not walk, away from anyone who tells you that their way is the only way to do something. Divination, spells, whatever, it doesn’t matter. That kind of mentality is binding you to them, allowing them to suck your energy dry, and is all about their own selfishness and ego. It has nothing to do with your connection to all that is, and particularly to the earth.

Gatekeeping and my-way-or-else are not worthy of you. You are brilliant. Shine accordingly, and make the magic your own!


Alexis, The Bone Song Witch

Mystic, Writer, Ancestor-in-Training, Witch, and Wildwood Wanderer. My goal is to share knowledge, wisdom, and connection with you. May my work serve your growth. Thank you for walking a part of your path with me!