
The Bone Song Chronicle 07/04/2021

Witchcraft in the News Around the World

Trigger Warning: some of these stories speak to several kinds of abuse. I am not responsible for the content. I share for educational purposes.

This Week’s Tarot and Spell

Witchlings Tarot Deck by Paulina Cassiday

Bloom of Joy Spell

You will need:

  • An orange or yellow candle in a safe candle holder
  • A single fresh flower of any kind
  • Flower oil of your choice (recommended: rose, jasmine, or lilac)
  • Paper and pencil
  • Heatproof container

Light the candle. On the paper, write down 3 things that are keeping you from feeling happy. Carefully light the paper with the candle flame. As soon as it begins to burn, place it in the heatproof container. Next, rub the oil on your flower. Smell the flower and think of how it makes you happy. Visualize all of your worries dissipating with the burning paper. Replace that stress with the flower’s pure joy. Extinguish the candle. Put the flower in water on your altar or in a sacred place to you. Once the flower withers, the remainder of any unhappiness withers with it. (Credit: Paulina Cassidy)

This Week’s Totem: Frog

Frog is a symbol of transformation, rebirth, healing, and cleansing. It symbolizes transition and coming into your own personal power. In Native American and Celtic traditions, Frog is recognized as a healer. Frog medicine can wash away negative physical and mental energies which deny us a balanced and peaceful life. Frog is a reminder of common bonds with all life; a guide to understanding our emotions; and a singer of songs that celebrate the most ancient beginnings.

When Frog hops into your life:

  • It may indicate that now is the time to find opportunities in transition.
  • It may also signal the need to enhance your intuition, and strengthen your connection with the spirit world.

If Frog is your personal totem:

You are a great listener and advice giver.

You know how to relate to others and always know exactly what to say.

You have genuine empathy towards others and always do your best to provide healing for those around you by allowing them to release old negative energy onto you in order to help them cleanse and renew their lives.

You tend to stay close to home where your family is important to you – especially your parents.

You will generally do everything you can to help others in need and to maintain close and meaningful relationships.

Ask for Frog’s assistance when:

  • You need help to get through a trying or initiatory experience.
  • You feel like your life is out of balance.
  • You feel like you may need to cleanse your spirit/soul.

If Frog has come into your dreams:
It may suggest that you have a lack of commitment in your life and are leaping from one thing to another. If you are trying to catch this creature in your dream, it could mean that your life is changing rapidly, and you are trying to stop it or prevent the change from occurring. If you swallow a frog in your dream, you are most likely holding back saying something that needs to be said, or you feel that something is preventing you from expressing yourself.

Love Yourself, Beautiful Tea Recipe

Yields 1 mug

Since happiness is the theme of the week, let’s start with some self-love.

  • 1 teaspoon cut licorice root (heaped)
  • 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 5 cardamom pods
  • Good sprinkle of dried rose petals
  • 400ml (1 3/4 cups) water
  1. You can make this in a teapot or a saucepan. It helps if you have a pestle & mortar (although not essential).
  2. Use a mortar and pestle to crush the licorice root down further (if needed).
  3. Crush the fennel seeds and cardamom pods.
  4. If you don’t have a pestle & mortar then just crush down with a sharp heavy knife. Or if you can’t crush them (or can’t be bothered just use more of the herbs instead to get the flavors and properties more).
  5. Boil some water and put everything together (except the rose petals) in a teapot (or boil together in a saucepan).
  6. Let everything infuse for up to 10 minutes – add the rose petals a minute before you serve.
  7. Use a tea strainer to pour.
  8. Enjoy!

With thanks to Kind Earth for the recipe!

That’s it for this edition. Let me know if there are other features you’d like to see. This will improve with feedback! Enjoy your week!

Mystic, Writer, Ancestor-in-Training, Witch, and Wildwood Wanderer. My goal is to share knowledge, wisdom, and connection with you. May my work serve your growth. Thank you for walking a part of your path with me!