

No! I am not ready for this. I have been sitting here waiting for his arrival for months. Oh, you don’t have to tell me she’s coming. Everything and everyone is preparing to celebrate her. The daffodils have popped up, the frogs (who normally don’t bother awakening until the first week of April) are full-throatedly announcing that she’s almost here. I’ve even seen some insects sneaking around, trying not to be noticed before their time.

He should have been here by now. All I’ve gotten are hints of him. The winds have been strong. The temperatures never stayed down for long. And, WHERE IS THE SNOW??? He knows how much I love his visit. But, he seems to have abandoned me for other places, and ones that don’t really want him there, either. He always brings the quiet and calm that covers the mother during her slumber here. When he goes to those other places, he just brings destruction. He’s not meant to be there. Here, his peace is contagious, and I’m not the only one who feels this loss. The woods and I need him. We all do.


She’ll burst on the scene with her champagne curls, those baby blues batting their lashes in her coquettish style, bouncing around, trying like crazy to wile me with her charms. Eventually, I’ll cave. She’ll push up flowers and leaves on the trees. The birds will have me up before the dawn with their babies chirping for breakfast. The breeze will whisper of sweet warmth and happiness, and I’ll forget for a moment that he never came. The cacophony of the moment will drown out my concern. She’ll laugh and dance and fill my heart with joy, until that pang which has me worried reminds me for a moment of the urgency.

If he doesn’t show again and again, this bubbly girl won’t have what she needs to sing the green to life again. The mother needs to sleep with her blanket of white and the cold that destroys what doesn’t belong. The wild won’t survive this way. I sense the foreboding. Dread creeps in at the edges of this wood.

He didn’t come. And, I am afraid of what that means…

Ok, I will get up and help you prepare for her arrival. She’s coming, whether I am ready or not. I look back down the stark gray path, hoping to get a glimpse of his face… to no avail. I put on my sunglasses, face the east, and try to shake off this warning.

Spring is calling and she just won’t wait.

Mystic, Writer, Ancestor-in-Training, Witch, and Wildwood Wanderer. My goal is to share knowledge, wisdom, and connection with you. May my work serve your growth. Thank you for walking a part of your path with me!