• Spring


    No! I am not ready for this. I have been sitting here waiting for his arrival for months. Oh, you don’t have to tell me she’s coming. Everything and everyone is preparing to celebrate her. The daffodils have popped up, the frogs (who normally don’t bother awakening until the first week of April) are full-throatedly announcing that she’s almost here. I’ve even seen some insects sneaking around, trying not to be noticed before their time. He should have been here by now. All I’ve gotten are hints of him. The winds have been strong. The temperatures never stayed down for long. And, WHERE IS THE SNOW??? He knows how much…

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    “I am You, and yet, Me Bound, and yet, Free Your wisdom within Seen through My vision…” -excerpt from “Homage to My Ancestors- A Samhain Chant” by (Alexis) Kallan Kennedy published in Pagan Writers Press Samhain 2011 edition. Samhain is my favorite time of year. The veil in the northern hemisphere between the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. A lot of people are under the impression that this is just for one night. The veil is thin up through Yule. Some say it’s through Brigid’s Day/Imbolc (February 2). Samhain, though, is the day we set aside for honoring our beloved dead, and our ancestors.…

  • Winter

    Monday Magic Ringing in the Deep

    New Year Greetings from The BoneSong Witch! It’s a magical time for us as society rings in 2022, and we shake off the trappings of 2021. For most of us, the past two years have been very stressful. We’re going into our third year of a global pandemic, with no real end in sight, and it’s wearing on us, on nearly every level. It’s hard to be hopeful in times like these. We hurt, regularly, and it isn’t just surface level. I’m here to tell you that we can use this time and emotion for our individual and collective benefit. This is where deep magic lies. I’m sure many of…

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    I thought I’d take a moment to welcome those of you who are visiting my newly redesigned site! It’s a continual work in progress, but I am finally able to have you create an account, make payments, etc. right from the site! I also plan to take Bone Songs to the level that I wanted to, originally. While Daily Magic Guides are something I’ve been doing for almost 20 years’ now, I’d like to go deeper into story, myth, and magic. It’s time. I hope you’ll take the time to peruse the pages, see the offerings, and reach out with any questions that you have. I look forward to journeying…

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    Bone Songs Chronicle for August 29, 2021

    Run, do not walk, away from anyone who tells you that their way is the only way to do something. Divination, spells, whatever, it doesn't matter. That kind of mentality is binding you to them, allowing them to suck your energy dry, and is all about their own selfishness and ego. It has nothing to do with your connection to all that is, and particularly to the earth.